.. _installation:: Installation ============ We recommend that you install ``mdtraj`` with ``conda``. :: $ conda install -c conda-forge mdtraj You can install also ``mdtraj`` with ``pip``, if you prefer. :: $ pip install mdtraj Conda is a cross-platform package manager built especially for scientific python. It will install ``mdtraj`` along with all dependencies from a pre-compiled binary. If you don't have Python or the ``conda`` package manager, we recommend starting with the `Anaconda Scientific Python distribution `_, which comes pre-packaged with many of the core scientific python packages that MDTraj uses (see below), or with the `Miniconda Python distribution `_, which is a bare-bones Python installation. MDTraj supports Python 2.7 or Python 3.4+ (recommended) on Mac, Linux, and Windows. Testing Your Installation ------------------------- Running the tests is a great way to verify that everything is working. The test suite uses `nose `_, which you can pick up via ``pip`` if you don't already have it. :: pip install nose Then, to run the tests, execute the command :: nosetests mdtraj -v Compiling From Source --------------------- To compile MDTraj from source, you'll need ``cython`` in addition to the normal, runtime dependencies. Check ``devtools/conda-recipe/meta.yaml`` for a complete list of build and run dependencies. .. vim: tw=75